Smoking Policy
WHEREAS, Authority has, for many years, received numerous complaints of health concerns related to residents smoking within the units and on Authority property; and
WHEREAS, the Authority recognizes the serious health risks related to residents continued exposure to second-hand smoke.
NOW THEREFORE, the Authority hereby amends the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy as follows:
1. No resident or occupant of any Authority apartment may smoke inside an apartment or on any other portion of Authority property. This means all smoking is prohibited on any portion of Authority property including inside apartments for all residents, occupants, including guests.
2. Any new resident entering into a lease with the Authority on or after January 1, 2015 shall be required to certify that he or she is not a smoker and is aware of this policy to prohibit smoking on Authority property including within apartments.
3. Notwithstanding the prohibition in Paragraph 1, any current resident under a valid Authority lease that presently smokes may be permitted to continue to smoke provided any smoking takes place outside of his or her apartment. This means smoking is prohibited inside apartments or inside any Authority building. Any such smoking shall be limited to areas outside his or her apartment. It is recommended that any such smoking be at least ten (10) feet from any building.
This policy shall be effective January 1, 2015.